Comics Overview

I do most of my work in Procreate on the iPad, but also use Photoshop and Clip Studio.

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Training daze - 2020

A comic for Senior Portfolio. A comic about a young prince trying to be a knight, but getting distracted. 9 Pages.

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mETA COMIC - 2020

A comic about the struggles of making comics. For Nick Bertozzi’s portfolio class.
6 pages.

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Letters - 2018

A comic originally done for class that was cleaned up and published in SVA’s INK Magazine, Winter 2018 edition. 4 Pages.

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Guys and Dolls Thesis - 2019

Being done for SVA’s Junior Thesis project, adapting the 1950s musical Guys and Dolls. 18 pages.

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Loud Dresser - 2021

A comic about how New Yorkers love to wear black.. For INK Magazine Spring 2021.
2 pages.

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Creative Psychology - 2018

A series of personal comics done as a final for my psychology class about the artist’s process in creating work. 6 Pages.

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A Cutlass and a butterknife 2016-2018

Webcomic done sporatically focusing on pirates and their hostage, originally started in 2016.
60 pages.


My life with crohn’s - 2020

An autobiography about growing up with Crohn’s Disease, an IBD, and how it completely changed my life. 8 pages.

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Dirty Diamonds - 2020

A comic about facing my own mortality through my grandmother’s looming death.
3 pages.

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Dirty Diamonds - 2018

Created for the 9th Issue of Dirty Diamonds titled “Being.” Dirty Diamonds is an all women comic anthology. 3 Pages.

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Misc other classwork